What type of printed training booklets do trainers prefer?
Most of our customers use wire-bound books and these are our biggest selling product. They are economical and practical in use. Wire-bound books lie flat on a desk in a training situation and so the page in use is kept easily. And in the workplace, should the content need to be referred to, the book can be easily folded back on itself and held in one hand. Saddle-stitched (i.e. stapled books) are neat for storage but do not remain as flat when opened and this effect increases the thicker they become.
Alternatives to wire-bound books are:
Coil-bound: these are bound in the same way with holes punched along the spine but use a spiral, plastic binding which is formed from a continuous length of plastic. Coil-bound books may be preferred in situations where metal should be avoided. They also make the pages slightly more secure in the book. This type of book costs a little more than wire-bound books.
Ring-bound manuals (ring-binders): these are ideal for modular courses where sections are to be added at intervals. They also allow for pages to be interchanged as the content is updated. Tabbed dividers can be added and we can print titles on the tabs or face of the divider. Though this is a more expensive option it is very versatile.
How much time do you spend producing and/or checking and packing your own training course materials? There is another way - a way that gives you back your time to spend on what you are good at - developing, marketing and delivering your training.
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